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Berlin – Somewhere Between Cliché and Prejudice

When I thought about which city trip would be worthwhile before I started my semester abroad, it was immediately clear that it would be Berlin. And as it is usually, you have the most fun with spontaneous decisions. So I could FINALLY, after an incredible THREE years, see dear Catalina and her mom again and explore the great city of Berlin.

Berlin may not be as picturesque and sophisticated as other capitals, but somehow it immediately captivated me. There is nothing in Berlin that isn't there and the city was very different from what I expected. I think that many have a bad image of Berlin in their head, which was probably mainly shaped by television, but Berlin is guaranteed not to be pigeonholed, because with the incredible size and diversity of the city, it is difficult to form a unified opinion. Every corner is different, every day is different, every person is different, but one thing you can feel everywhere: the great appreciation of freedom and community.




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